Applications Security

Ignorance in design always leads to price-paying. As our CEO has more than two-decade experience in software development, he points out that most of the vulnerabilities are due to the application design.

Application Testing

We provide white and black box testing to ensure the security requirements of applications.

Security Consulting

We Help, we Advice, and we Train (HAT) your team. Our consulting work starts with your requirment and your team.

24/7 Cyber Security Support

We are online 24/7 with a dedicated team for the job. We keep you secure and protect your infrastructure and applications.

Managed Application

We provide design planning and security integration in an earlier stage of your application development.


Our Approach To Security

Our approach is similar to how hackers operate. If we cannot hack it, hackers will not do as well. Our process is what makes us unique and different.

  • Reconnaissance

    At this stage, we put everything on the line, from target identification to defining the applications running and business users. We then move on to Identify system type, available ports, and the services running. We search for social engineering information and also look to document related pieces of information.

  • Target Evaluation

    After the reconnaissance phase, we then move to find the target's weaknesses. After the identification, we prioritize the vulnerability system. We then define the asset owners and map their vulnerability to them.

  • Exploitation

    At this stage, we start exploring the system, obtaining any foothold, capturing unauthorized data, and attacking other systems on the network.

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High-Performance Solutions

With our one-stop solution, we make sure that you and your users are protected.

Threat Hunter

With our approach, we search, find, and hunt down intruders. Otherwise, search for other vulnerabilities in advance.

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Incident Responder

'Medecin apres la mort' is a good quote known to the french, saying that the medic arrived after the person passed. We provide a state of art documentation about what happened when it happened, how it happened, and the fingerprint of the suspect, but you can prevent this.

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Secure Managed IT

Security needs to be prioritized and automatically managed. With our monitor tools, the It system is up 24/7 and can respond to any intrusion.

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Customers will spend money on other technology areas rather than security until something happens, then they start thinking about security. We advise the customer to spend on security earlier rather than later.

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Cyber Security

Our methodology is unique. We hack hardware, we penetrate software. We also have the ability to support your software team, from white box testing with the security integration in the application.

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Disaster Planning

Our methodology is unique. We hack hardware and penetrate software. We also can support your software team, from white-box testing to security integration in the application.

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Innovative Electronic Protection Of Your Office And Home Control Online

Do you have a camera at home, office, or shop?. If so, this is what is happening to millions of cameras in the world. They are camera feeds that have been exploited due to the lack of protection, exposing private family life and showing credit card information from shop transactions.

The exposure of the video feeds is due to several issues, including the misconfiguration of the camera devices, the internet device configuration, and more. We help protect your video feeds from intruders. Reach out to us and check whether you are protected.

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"With great power comes great responsibility" Winston Churchill(1960). Smartphone devices offer great opportunities, from chatting, email, social media, conference, games, and more. It has allowed us to be connected 24/7, and this connexion comes with a great price to pay.

Imagine you visit a coffee shop where your phone is compromised. There are different ways of compromisation: By wifi or by frequency. With the compromised device, the attacker can reach your company network whenever you connect to your company network.

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Besides HTTPS protocol, applications designer have no idea whether to implement their end-to-end encryption(e2e) on the exchange data. So even if the server communication is compromised (MIA), the user data is still safe.

We help the company to make sure that its application follows the process of the e2e methodology. The process goes for IoT device integration.

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Complete And Effective Protection For Your Home And Office

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Check And Search Hazards

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Install and Configure Software

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Departure of the Our Experts

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24/7 Support and Remote Admit

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What Client’s Say About Us

We prove our expertise by providing a state of art solutions to our clients in all corners of the globe.

24/7 Cybersecurity Operation Center

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  • Managed Web Application
  • SIEM Threat Detection
  • Content Delivery Network
  • 24/7 Hours services
  • Security Management
  • Instant Malware Removal
  • Free Delivary Services
  • Website Hack Repair
  • Website Security Services
  • Provide Security services
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Secure Managed IT

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Cloud Security

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Secure Managed Web

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